After the last recording sessions end of last year and early 2025 the upcoming debut record of TIFFANY KILLS is finally mixed. Heading for mastering end of March. Can’t wait to get these rockin’ cool tunes out.
It’s a wrap for the shows in the Netherlands in Weert, Zoetermeer, Panningen and Tilburg in May/June with Tiffany Kills. Thanks to all that cheered, rocked, chatted and had fun with us. Now we will continue to work on our upcoming first band record.
Again a fun week with Tiffany Kills. We supported Tyketto at De Bosuil in Weert and at the Boerderij in Zoetermeer for their Dutch leg of the tour. Thank you Danny Vaughn and his mates for having us.
Besides working on our debut record with Tiffany Kills, we have started to book shows for this year. Hope to see you there:
09th of May - Weert/NL (with Tyketto): De Bosuil
12th of May - Zoetermeer/NL (with Tyketto) Poppodium Boerderij
19th of May - Panningen/NL: Tinus
1st of June - Tilburg/NL: FOXROCK Festival /Foxfarm
Writing new music and songs for Tiffany Kills with Mathias Dieth. Some gems are in the making for a future record planned for 2024.
Wow, what a fantastic little ride that was with Tiffany Kills. Thank you Adrian Vandenberg, the Vandenberg band, the crew and the wonderful audiences at the Boerderij in Zoetermeer and the Metropool in Enschede for two amazing nights of Rock’n’Roll.
I have worked with my friend David Reece on many occasions for many years: on my own C.T.P. records, I also contributed songs to some of his records before and this time I co-wrote a very cool song for the upcoming Bangalore Choir release Center Mass. It is the opener Spirit Rider. Happy to have joined forces from time to time with my friend for more than a decade now. You can pre-order Center Mass at Cherry Red Records including a live bonus CD. Release date: 7th of July 2023.
Played in Tilburg/NL with Tiffany Kills for the first time. What a wonderful venue at Foxfarm and a great audience on a sunny Sunday. Working on more dates this year beside 18th of November in Breda/NL.
Thank you Tinus in Panningen/NL. The first show with Tiffany Kills was a blast and we had a lot of fun. Can’t wait to continue in Tilburg at Foxfarm at the 28th of May.
Happy release day! There is such a beautiful story behind this Tribute to Jeff Beck, truly one of the most iconic and unique guitarist ever. Author for Gitarre and Bass Magazine and guitar connoisseur Udo Pipper had two original 59 Gibson “Bursts” and one 58 Goldtop on loan and invited me to play them. That alone was a magical experience and while we were enjoying these guitars, Udo suggested to record them. Quickly we came up with the idea of a song from Jeff Beck. That seemed logical, as Jeff had passed away recently, we both admire his playing and his music and even Udo had a relation with him, not only as a journalist, but they became connected privatly as well. A long story short. We have chosen “The Pump” and it turned out to be a “Jam of Joy” with Udo Pipper, Mathias Dieth, Achim Brodam and me on guitars as well as Jonas Loth on drums, Henrik Herzmann on bass and Morris Adriaens on keys, who were kind enough to record to support the Tribute idea with their incredible talent. A few overdubs were made with other stunning guitars in my studio, but for the most parts the two Bursts can be heard on the track. It is available on all relevant digital platforms, such as Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music and so on.
Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify
Experience, energy, fun and quite a show... that is TIFFANY KILLS! The six members have earned their spurs in the world of Rock'n'Roll. Combined they played on a few dozen records, have toured the world and have now decided to throw each and everyone's catalogue in the middle with one goal in mind: an entertaining classic, heavy rock show. TIFFANY KILLS is fronted by John "Jaycee" Cuijpers, who is one of the strongest singers and frontman in the Netherlands, if not in Europe. He plays or played with Praying Mantis, AYREON, Cooper Inc. and many, many more.
French magazine Passion Rock included a very fine review in their new issue. Thank you Patrice Adamczak:
“...C'est une sorte d'auberge Espagnole, où les horizons musicaux cohabitent pour notre plus grand plaisir.”
Very cool! German Gitarre & Bass magazine made NOW & THEN “ENCORE” to the (Rock) record of the month in issue 11/2022:
(Rock) Platte des Monats “...entpuppt sich als tadelloses Rockwerk mit grandioser Gitarrenarbeit, erstklassigen Songs und einer kraftvollen und zugleich transparenten Produktion... Macht unterm Strich eine uneingeschränkt empfehlenswerte Rockscheibe, die eine grössere Aufmerksamkeit bei den etablierten Plattenfirmen verdient hätte.”
BREAKOUT Magazin, Germany “...„Now And Then Encore“ ist ein straightes, klassisches, aber doch sehr modernes Rock-Album geworden, das zusammengefasst in etwa so klingt, wie man sich 2022 eine Veröffentlichung von Rainbow, Graham Bonnet oder auch Joe Lynn Turner vorstellen könnte. Weitere zu findende Einflüsse zeigen sich im Style von Whitesnake, Toto oder auch Ten. Die alten Nummern zünden 2022 noch genauso, wie auf den ursprünglichen Releases, vor allem im neuen Soundkostüm. Das Christian Tolle Project macht Spaß und zeigt auf, dass Classic-Rock noch lange nicht zum alten Eisen zählt!”
Check out some quotes from recent reviews of NOW &Then “ENCORE”:
87% score, viri AOR Spain: “...Reluciente final para un disco digno de tenerse en consideración que muestra calidad, creatividad y diversidad en esos estilos del hard rock. 87%.”
DarkStars.de, Germany: “CD Tipp der Woche!”
8,5/10 score, Rockcastle Franken, Germany “... Es ist aller Ehren wert, was Christian Tolle mit seine Gästen hier auffährt. Qualitäts-Classic (Hard)Rock der Oberklasse, freilich kein Wunder wenn man alleine die Sänger-Riege anschaut. Aber auch musikalisch ist das alles vom Allerfeinsten, selbst ein Mathias Dieth (Gravestone, UDO) hat es sich nicht nehmen lassen, ein Solo beizusteuern. Wer also Christian Tolle und seine Musik nicht kennt, ist jetzt aufgerufen C.T.P. (Christian Tolle Project) für sich zu entdecken. Es lohnt sich für jeden qualitätsbewussten (Hard)Rocker, der viel für die älteren Klassiker übrig hat.”
8/10 score, Powerplay Magazine, UK “...This is definatly a solo album, and one for he should gain plenty of plaudits for its flare and richness in classic rock. Contributions from long term partners including Ayreon’s John Cuijpers and ex-UDO guitarist Mathis Dieth add a level of va-va-voom to an already very good album.”
7/10 score, Hardline Magazine, Germany “Freunde des gepflegten Hardrocks kommen hier auf ihre Kosten.”
Rock IT Magazine, Germany “...Die CTP Variante (Sword and Stone) klingt einwandfrei und allein dafür lohnt sich schon die Anschaffung des Albums.”
Check out the album preview of Now & Then “Encore” on YouTube. Also I am taking pre-orders for the CD (incl. a bonus track) at the shop section. Release will be 29th of July. The record will also be available on all relevant digital platforms.
I am very pleased to announce, that my new record Now & Then “Encore” will be released on all relevant digital platforms and limited edition CD on the 29th of July. Some of my strongest tunes can be found here, such as the epic Ain't Gonna Let It slide, the cracker Fire Away or the great energetic power play in Never Had It So Good. The cast of musicians contains again the long year partners John “Jaycee” Cuijpers (Cooper Inc., Praying Mantis, Ayreon), David Reece and for the first time David Frazee (Burning Water, Michael Landau Liquid Quartet) on vocals. Guitar wizard Mathias Dieth (ex-U.D.O., Gravestone) guests on two tracks, LA session legend Michael Thompson takes lead guitars on the revisited She Doesn’t Know, long time companion Morris Adriaens is on keyboards, Hammond organ and backings. Also Randy van der Elsen (Vandenberg) added backing vocals as well as Mendy Sneijers and Theo Talboom. I am responsible for guitars, bass, drums, production and mixing. Stay tuned, the CD can be pre-ordered in my shop mid July.
Thanks to the fine people at Gitarre and Bass magazine for featuring me in the “Top Gear Check” column of their current issue (9/2021) on page 73. Honored to explain some of the gear I use. Also it is mentioned that my next release for C.T.P. / Christian Tolle Project is almost in the can. That’s right: Only a few vocals and tracks need to be added, nevertheless the current Covid-19 situation does not make things easier as well as the schedules of the remaining folks, who are involved, are also affected. So I am targeting to have recordings done later the year, mixing and mastering early 2022 and then a physical and digital release. Stay healthy and be well.
I am very excited, humbled and beyond honored to have David Frazee on my next C.T.P. record. I have met David back in 1993 for the first time, when Burning Water was hitting the scene and now 28 years later he delivered the vocal goods for my music. This is a sign of "good" in these times, as it shows what music can do. Truly a universal language and understanding.
Fanfields 3 can now be pre-orded via this link at indiegogo. Purchase the album and support the battle against ALS, since all profits of the sale of Fanfields 3 will be donated to the ALS Foundation.
Frederic Slama’s AOR all star project is back with a third volume of great songs from the past, entitled "Heavenly Demos". The CD features 14 tracks with some legendary singers like Paul Sabu (Only Child), Steve Overland (FM), Kevin Chalfant (The Storm) Jeff Scott Soto (Talisman), Sarah & Melissa Fontaine (Chasing Violets), Chris Antblad (Spin Gallery), Philip Bardowell (Unruly Child), Göran Edman (Street Talk) & many more. Top players also includes Tommy Denander, Michael Landau, Christian Tolle and Mike Baird among others. More information at the Perris Records website.
Exciting... there is an interview feature in the new and current issue of the German magazine Grand Guitars (03/2019) about C.T.P. Christian Tolle Project, really cool. Check it out: www.grandguitars.de
Happy New Year. I am still amazed by the fact, that my new record Point Blank climbed in the official German Rock- and Metal Charts to position 21 in the 3rd week. Thanks to all who bought, streamed or radio played my music.
Here are some quotes from the recent reviews of POINT BLANK:
9/10 score, Hellfire Magazin, Germany: “Das Album verfügt über nur 10 Tracks und doch über so viele verschiedene Facetten, dass ich überrascht bin, wie schnell es schliesslich vorbei ist. Da hilft nur es in Dauerschleife laufen zu lassen. Ich bin sicher, dass ich nicht die Einzige bin, die dieses Album restlos begeistern wird.”
Legacy Magazin, Germany: “Kompositorisch und musikalisch hat der gute Herr nämlich längst das höchste Niveau erreicht und bestätigt seinen ausgezeichneten Ruf mit dem nächsten Highlight in seiner persönlichen Kollektion!"
United Rock Nations, France, album of the month: “Avec 'Point Blank', Christian Tolle sublime l'AOR : des riffs tranchants, des refrains efficaces et un chant de haut vol! A decouvrir en urgence”!
Metal to Infinity: “The pleasure was completely mine listening to a bunch of well skilled musicians which came together as one to deliver something old fashioned, something pure guitar driven, something I’d like to recommend to fans of Ritchie Blackmore’s Rainbow, Whitesnake, UFO, Alcatrazz, early MSG, Joe Lynn Turner, Bonfire and the likes.”
9/10 score, Maxazine in the Netherlands: “Point Blank is een album dat in alle opzichten wereldklasse is.”
9 score, Rockshit, Switzerland “Musikalisch gibt’s peitschende Rock Songs, fette Grooves die einem mitreissen und mit ordentlichen Hooks garniert sind. Melodisch immer top dabei. Ganz die Whitesnake Schule die da durchschimmert und Spass macht.”
4,5/5 score, Metal Integral, France: “Point Blank est un bien bel album, revigorant, pas novateur certes mais de haute technicité et alléchan de bout en bout, le partage vocal entre David REECE et John CUIJPERS permet de diversifier ces compositions hautes en couleur rock et de capter l’attention de l’auditeur. C’est une vraie réussite en soi ce Point Blank, riche et captivant de bout en bout : épatant !!!”
Rockportal, Netherlands: “Point Blank is mijn kennismaking met Christian Tolle Project en ik sla me eigenlijk voor mijn kop dat dit pas gebeurt bij het vijfde album. Ik kan intens genieten van het album en was al gauw heel erg vertrouwd met het geluid op het album. Heerlijk album dat zeker naar de voorgrond gezet mag worden.”
8/10 score, Dark Stars, Germany: “In dieser Form braucht sich Christian Tolle nicht hinter anderen international bekannten Hardrock Bands verstecken. Acht starke Punkte für den sympathischen Musiker.”
8/10 score, Rock It Magazin, Germany: “...ein Weniger, dass Mehr ergibt: mehr kraftvolle Vitalität, mehr Spielfreude, mehr Hörvergnügen.”
My new record - Point Blank - is set to be released on 26th of October on CTM ChrisTones Music / Fastball Music.
From the uplifting opener and title track "Point Blank" to the driving grooves on "Too Late" or the hook-ladden bangers like "Black Friday" or "Borderland" the production pounds with punch and transparency. David Reece (ex-Accept, ex-Bonfire, Sainted Sinners) and John Cuijpers (Cooper Inc., Ayreon, Praying Mantis) take the lead vocals with Christian Tolle handling guitars, bass, drums and production.
Add Morris Adriaens on keys and backing vocals as well as Mathias Dieth (ex- U.D.O, ex-Sinner) and L.A. based guitar hero Doug Aldrich (Dio, ex-Whitesnake, The Dead Daisies) to guest for some stunning lead guitars, you can expect nothing less than a straight and excellent rock record, touching musical roots of the late 70s and 80s with lots of hooks and energy.
As a result "Point Blank" has turned into a real listening pleasure for all fans of guitar driven hard rock. Check out a short preview video and give it a “Like”.
This is for the guitar players out there... To make a long story short: I now offer some of the finest captured Impulse Responses that I made on my own for use with Two Notes equipment, such as the Torpedo Studio, Live, C.A.B. and the WoS / Wall of Sound Plugin. I just opened an online shop and you can check the quality of these IRs out on Soundcloud. More in the Impulse Response Section. Check them out...
Check out the video from Never Enough on YouTube to support the release of Fanfields 2 - a tribute to TOTO. I had a lot of fun realizing this clip together with Brandon, Max, Peter and Jimmy.
On October 7th my new C.T.P. (Christian Tolle Project) record Now & Then came out. A few more reviews have been posted.
Crossfire Metal: “Das ist genau der Sound, der mich glücklich macht. Danke, Herr Tolle.” (9,5/10)
The Rocker: “..with a punchy 21st century sound which brings out the best of songs like Dumped, Taking A Risk and Hard To Find. Despite the different origins the mix makes the album seem rounded and complete, resulting in a record that AOR fans will really take pleasure in.”
FFM-Rock: “...Diese Namen lesen sich nicht nur gut, sie sorgen auch fuer eine perfekte Umsetzung der Songs und machen Now And Then zu einem besonderen Leckerbissen fuer alle Fans des Melodic Rock... (8,5/10)”
Deepground: “...Alles in allem zeigt sich Christian Tolle unter dem Projektnamen C.T.P. aber nicht nur Alt-Fans von seiner besten Seite, auch Neuentdecker des Projekts bekommen einen sehr guten Eindruck von seinem musikalischen Schaffen. (4/5)”
FStuff: “...The bottom line is that this awesome CD contrasts pleasantly with todays usual melodic rock mishmash and absolutely worth hearing! (9/10)”
On October 1st the FANFIELDS II - Tribute To TOTO project got released. I am very proud and humbled to be part of this and join so many great musicians from all over the world. Profits are going to the Michael Porcaro Fund (Sweet Relief Musicians Fund), ALS foundation and Fergie Frederiksen Foundation (Liver Foundation). Check it out here.
I am happy to announce that my new C.T.P. (Christian Tolle Project) CD Now & Then is ready. The official release date is 7th of October 2016 via Fastball Music. I do have a limited quantity of CDs for sale thru this website in the Shop section, that can ship as of now, so if you want to have a copy before the official release date, here is your chance. Now & Then features a bunch of new tunes plus revisited versions of my best songs from the past: All redone, handmade and with stellar vocalist and guest performances from John Parr, Philip Bardowell, Rick Riso, David Reece, John Cuijpers, Michael Voss, Steve Lukather, Michael Landau, Tim Pierce, Doug Aldrich, Chuck Wright, Lauren Scheff, Raymond Herveille, Morris Adriaens and many more.
Another update on my next C.T.P. record: I am very pleased to have John Parr singing on two songs. I have been a fan and follower of his carrer from day one back in my youth and really proud to have this fine gentleman in the cast of my next release. Stay tuned, I am entering the final phase of recording and hope to get into mixing in a few weeks.
German Rockers Universe have just put out their 4th release Mission Rock. I co-wrote the song Welcome The Night. Mission Rock is a great release and if you dig classic heavy rock like Vengeance, Pretty Maids or Accept: This is for you. Check the band out on their website.
In May 1997 a number of people of the Toto mailinglist on the Internet decided to record Toto songs as a tribute to TOTO. Quickly this became a serious project with musicians contributing from all over the world. In 2001 Fanfields 1 was released. Many musicians from all over the world contributed, like for instance Lars Saefsund and Robert Saell of Work of Art, Phil Vincent, Ed James and Michael Riesenbeck.
Since then a lot has happened with Toto and the original initiators feel that the time is right to start the work on another Fanfields album with profits going to the Michael Porcaro Fund (Sweet Relief Musicians Fund), ALS foundation and Fergie Frederiksen Foundation (Liver Foundation). Fanfields 2 will contain a host of awesome musicians from all over the globe and will be released in 2016.
There will be a crowd funding campaign in order to get sufficient funds available to release this album. I am honored and proud to join Fanfields 2.
Here is an update on my next C.T.P. record, that I am working on. A lot has happened since I started late 2014. It will be a collection of revisited songs from my first releases and a bunch of new tracks wih a great cast of musicians. Just recently two wonderful vocalists did a fantastic job. Philip Bardowell (ex Beach Boys, ex Unruly Child and solo artist) put some vocals on two songs and also the wonderful Rick Riso sang two tunes. There is more coming soon and I hope to get it released late 2015. More info soon.
I am happy to announce the release of FIASKO’s debut CD Jetzt jöh! on my label CTM ChrisTones Music for the 20th of December. I had a great time producing this record, as we put a lot of energy and passion into the recordings and arrangements. FIASKO are kickstarting their career and I am sure the record will be appreciated hugely in the upcoming Cologne carneval season. Check out FIASKO on the web!
Also worthwile mentioning: I have started to work on a new C.T.P. record (number 4 that is). And I am thrilled to be joined by Raymond Hervielle on drums. Ray is one of the best drummers I have ever met and I am not kidding, he is up there with the best. My friend Dirk Brouns at Studio Maasland recorded Ray’s drumming for eight tunes already. A bit more to come and as I said, I have just started. Stay tuned.
The 2nd solo album from David Reece (Bangalore Choir, Ex-Accept) called Compromise has been set for release 25th of October by AOR Heaven/Metal Heaven. I am honoured to contribute: I wrote the music and played on End Of It All and Along The Ride as well as playing on Where My Heart Belongs and Treasure Hunter. David rocks!
The 12th AOR CD called The Secrets Of L.A. will be released mid november in Europe by AOR Heaven & just a little before in October in Japan (with 2 bonus tracks) on Rubicon Music. I co-produced and played guitars as well as bass on the bonus track I Owe It To Myself - a great tune by Frederic Slama.
I worked with Eddy F. Müller again for his new Ginkgo Garden CD called Wrapped in Mystery and played on three songs. Great instrumental music with a New Age vibe. The CD will be released via Sony Music 31st of May. More here: Ginkgo Garden.
The new Chasing Violets CD Jade Hearts will be released June 14th on AOR Records. Here is what the record label says: „Once again the talented and sensual French sisters Sarah & Mélissa Fontaine have surrounded themselves with the best musicians from the AOR scene like Frédéric Slama, Tommy Denander, Paul Sabu, Göran Edman, Mikael Erlandsson, Bob Harris, members of Alien, Hardline & Lionville, Christian Tolle, Eric Ragno (Jeff Scott Soto) among many others...“ Check out Sarah and Melissa Fontaine, I co-produced and played on a few songs on their upcoming and second release.
Andy Susemihl will finally release his next solo CD called Supermihl & Superfriends Vol. 2 beginning of May. I wrote the song Dr. Dude with him and we shared the guitars on that instrumental track. Check out Andy here, his record is a beautiful collection of great songs. Andy is one of the most talented musicians I ever had the honour to work with.
I recently worked with some friends from the band The Pace from the beautiful Southern part of Germany on their upcoming fourth release called Coming Of Age. Beside playing a solo on the track Crying, I mastered the CD. Check them out on Facebook!
A new release from Frederic Slama’s AOR will be out soon: The new CD called L.A. Temptation will be released by AOR Heaven at the 23rd of November. I co-produced the wonderful track Hearbeat Away with James Christian on Vocals, as well as playing guitars and bass on it. More on Frederic Slama’s website.

Finally the new Tango Down CD got released. I wrote two tracks together with singer and frontman David Reece. Check out the boys take on Magic Pudding and Dreamchild. Here is Tango Down on the web.

Sarah and Mélissa Fontaine from France premier AOR band CHASING VIOLETS have announced their debut CD Outside Heaven for release later this year. Produced by Frédéric Slama of AOR fame and co-produced by Tommy Denander with the help of Paul Sabu (Only Child, Shania Twain), David Diggs (Quincy Jones, Richie Furay), Christian Tolle (C.T.P., Cooper Inc.), and various top arrangers, Outside Heaven is pure stroke of genius taking AOR music to a new level of perfection.
I am honoured to have co-produced the fabuluos uptempo song called Just Wanna Be Your Heroin as well as playing guitars and bass on it. Check Sarah’s and Mélissa’s website for more details.
Check out these reviews for The Higher They Climb:
schMuRzi: “Einfach ein großartiges Album - je mehr man hört, desto mehr Facetten entdeckt man. (6/6)”
Rocktimes: “Die Abwechslung u. a. durch die verschiedenen Shouter und den ihnen maßgeschneiderten Arrangements macht "The Higher They Climb", besonders auch wegen ihrer naturgemäßen Gitarrenorientiertheit zu einer Veröffentlichung mit hoher Punktzahl.”
RockReport: “Of all three albums C.T.P has released so far, this one is probably the heaviest, although it's still catchy enough to attract the melodic rock fans. (4/6)”
Crossfire Metal: “...eine geschmeidige Scheibe für jeden Melodic Rock Fan, der von den üblichen Verdächtigen der Szene nicht lassen kann, so wie einigen Vertretern von Mad Max, Bangalore Choir, Vengeance und Shortino. Die üblichen Kunden dürfen blind zugreifen. (8/10)”
Musikzirkus Magazin: “Auch wenn sich die Mannen am Mikro des öfteren abwechseln, klingt das Album doch kompakt. Das liegt auch am Songwriting von Christian Tolle. Er versteht es eingängige Melodien mit schönen, dynamischen Rockelementen zu verbinden. Ein gutes Hardrockalbum.”
Melodicrock.it: “Per il resto un album che comunque mi sento di consigliare per l’ottimo lavoro svolto in primis da Christian Tolle e a seguire dagli ospiti coinvolti… nient’altro che un buon Hard Rock supportato da voci e ospiti di gran livello. (8/10)”
HardHarderHeavy: “Fazit: Der dritte Streich des umtriebigen Musikers und Produzenten Christian Tolle unter der Bezeichnung C.T.P. (Christian Tolle Project) wartet mit handverlesener Prominenz am Mikro, spielerisch erstklassigem Personal, tollen Kompositionen, einprägsamen Hooklines und einer über alle Zweifel erhabenen, sahnemäßigen Produktion auf. THE HIGHER THEY CLIMB ist schlicht und ergreifend zeitgemässer Melodic-Hardrock vom Feinsten. (6/7)”
Rock Garage: “...der größte Teil der Nummern überzeugt auf Anhieb und frisst sich geradewegs in die Gehörgänge. Hier muss ich auf jeden Fall eine klare Kaufempfehlung für alle AOR- und Melodic-Rock-Fanatiker aussprechen! Los Marsch, Marsch ab zum Plattendealer eures Vertrauens! (9/10)”
Powermetal.de: “The Higher They Climb ist schließlich ein absoluter Leckerbissen, dem es auch an entsprechender Würze niemals mangelt. Dafür garantieren nicht nur die grossen Namen, sondern vor allem der Mastermind himself! (8,5/10)”
Beeding 4 Metal: “Also, wir haben hier insgesamt ein überdurchschnittlich gutes AOR-Projekt mit viel prominenter Schützenhilfe. Jeder Fan des Genres wird sich beim Hören den Hintern abfeiern. (8,5/10)”
My Revelations “...The Higher They Climb" ist ein abwechslungsreiches Album geworden, auf dem man vier überragende Sänger geniessen darf, die sich durch zwölf gute Songs singen. (9/15)”
Metalglory: “Fazit: Christian Tolle als Schirmherr dieses Projekts kann zufrieden sein. Richtig starker Hard Rock mit treibenden Riffs und herausragenden Gastsängern. (Kaufempfehlung / Sehr Gut)”
Rockingboy: “Wer auf ehrlichen erdigen Hardrock bzw. AOR steht, sollte sich diese Scheibe schleunigst in sein Regal stellen. Ich bin sehr positiv überrascht (8/10).”
The third C.T.P. / Christian Tolle Project CD titled The Higher They Climb is finished! Michael Voss and I co-produced 12 tracks between summer and winter 2011. I am very pleased with the result: Performed with an incredible amount of energy the album contains a powerful mixture of hard hitting Heavy Rock tracks (no ballads!), catchy hooklines and some of the best voices in the genre: David Reece (Ex-Accept, Bangalore Choir), Leon Goewie (Vengeance), Paul Shortino (King Kobra, Ex-Quiet Riot, Rough Cutt) and Michael Voss (Michael Schenker, Casanova, Mad Max). Also a few friends joined me on the guitar: L.A. guitar wizard Michael Landau, Ben Granfelt (Ex-Wishbone Ash), Andy Susemihl and Morris Adriaens do a guitar solo each and give the record a special flavour. The album will be released 30th of March via FASTBALL Music.
I contributed to the new Vengeance CD Crystal Eye with the opening track Me And You. The CD will come out 24th of February 2012 on Steamhammer/SPV. Vengeance now is: Leon Goewie on vocals, drummer Chris Slade (Ex- AC/DC), guitarist Keri Kelli (Ex- Alice Cooper) and bass player Chris Glen (Michael Schenker Group). Crystal Eye was produced by Michael Voss.
From Frederic Slama’s website: The new AOR CD entitled The Colors Of L.A will be released January 27th on AOR Boulevard Records and will include some of the best musicians of the AOR world like Tommy Denander, Philip Bardowell, David Foster, Steve Lukather, Jerry Hludzik, Joey Summer, Christian Tolle, Randy Goodrum, Steve Newman, Joe Pasquale, Michael Thompson, Rick Riso, Bill Champlin, David Diggs, Bruno Levesque, Michael Landau, David Williams, Vinnie Colaiuta, Brandon Fields among many others.
I co-produced and played on Kimberly (with Steve Newman on vocals) and Brittany (with Philip Bardowell on vocals) as well as playing guitars on the new version of Teach Me How To Love You Again (with Rick Riso on vocals).
Reece-Kronlund is the new project of Bangalore Choir singer David Reece (ex-Accept) and Swedish guitarist/producer Martin Kronlund (Gypsy Rose). The debut album Solid will be released on June 24th through AOR Heaven. I co-wrote three tracks on Solid: Animals & Canibals, Remember You and Magic Pudding. More at REECEWORLD.
I started to write songs with David Reece recently. Our first output Heart Attack & Vine can be heard on the new Bangalore Choir CD Cadence, which will be released at the 23rd of September on Metal Heaven records. I also guested for a solo on a great uptempo track called High On The Clouds.
A big thank you to everybody who supported us at the Rock Temple in Kerkrade and at the Spirit of 66 in Verviers at the recent Cooper Inc. shows. Thanks to Jorn and especially to David Reece and his band - great guys, great music and most important: good friends.
I am happy to announce that the the new CD from Cooper Inc. - Pulling The Trigger is set for release by CTM christones music / POINT Music Distribution on the 9th of October.
I am honored to guest on the debut solo CD Universal Language from David Reece (Accept, Bangalore Choir, Gypsy Rose and Sircle Of Sirence). I played lead guitar on the opener Before I Die. The CD will be released on August 28th on Metal Heaven records.
After a passionate and good amount of work the new Cooper Inc. CD is finally finished. 12 tracks, produced by Michael Voss of Kidroom Music, are now mixed and mastered. We are currently looking into release options. More soon...
I cowrote and recorded a nice instrumental tune called Sunset After Dark together with my friend Andy Susemihl for his new instrumental record Supermihl & Superfriends. The CD features the massive chops and more songs from Andy and also guest appearances from Richie Kotzen and Rafael Moreira among a few others. Check out Andy here:
The three shows with TOTO in Hannover, Bremerhaven and Dortmund have been awesome. Thanks to everybody who supported us there. Of course a BIG THANK YOU to TOTO, their crew and to the promoters for making it all possible. You guys rule!
The most exciting moment was of course playing Hold The Line with the guys in Dortmund. Check it out on YouTube.
I am humbled and honoured to play with David Garfield, John Pena, Russ Miller and Eric Marienthal at the Spirit of 66 in Verviers/Belgium at the 3rd of April. It’s a challenge and I will give my very best to hold the candle with those legends.
A BIG THANK YOU to TOTO, their crew and the local promoters for treating us like family. The two shows in Trier and Emmendingen have been fantastic. Thanks to everybody for their kind words and the appreciation.
Wow, we will support TOTO (again) in Trier and Emmendingen this summer.
CTP is featured in a detailed story about The making of The Real Thing In the current issue of Gitarre & Bass magazine in Germany
Rock It magazine 01/2006 features an interview with CTP.
CTP's song Enemy can be heard on the new ROCK IT sampler HEAR IT Volume 21, coming with the current issue of the magazine.
CTP's follow up to "Better Than Dreams" is out now on CTM christones music. "The Real Thing" features 10 fresh AOR songs with performances from Steve Lukather, Tim Pierce, Doug Aldrich, Chuck Wright, Lauren Scheff, John "Jaycee" Cuijpers and many other great players.